More than 40 years of tradition
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Aesthetic dental medicine

Aesthetic dental medicine has advanced rapidly due to the development of new techniques development and due to wider usage of high quality materials.

Superior aesthetic properties are the main reason why ceramics is highly popular among dentists and patients as well.

Dijan dental center uses the latest ceramics for veneers, all-ceramic crowns and smaller ceramic bridges.

Aesthetic dental medicine

Because of an orthodontic anomaly (lateral incisors with palatal position) and due to drastic discoloration of the left central incisor we have decided to solve this problem with 4 all-ceramic (e-max) crowns.

Aesthetic dental medicine

Due to inadequate appearance of the upper incisors we have decided for three all-ceramic crowns.

Aesthetic dental medicine

Due to inadequate crown on the right incisor and due to discoloration of the left incisor we have decided to place for all-ceramic crowns.

Aesthetic dental medicine

Our patient came because her lower incisors suffered discoloration due to many fillings, and with fractures in some places. We made a build-up for all of five front teeth and covered them with composite (empress direct).

Contact us with confidence


Braće Vranjanina 9
23000 Zadar, Croatia


+385 23 313 480
+385 23 213 346
+385 95 313 4800

Working hours

monday, wednesday, friday: 7:00 - 14:30 h
tuesday, thursday: 13:00 - 20:30 h
saturday: 8:00 - 13:00 h

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